We all know that horses are one of the most heart throbbing part of the nature. This amazing creature from the animal kingdom never fails to grab the attention of the person who look at them. Their strong built, speed, intelligence and friendly characteristics are mesmerizing. It goes without saying that whether it is domestication or war training, ever since the prehistoric times, this free spirited animal has an outstanding amplitude to serve its owner. Now let’s dig deeper into the facts about this creature one by one.
1) Sleep Pattern
Irrespective of the breed and habitat, horses can sleep both laying down and standing up but only for shorter span of time.
2) Digestion
Horses’ digestive system is highly unique and more like a built in one way street which means they don’t vomit or burp. Yes, you heard it right! Unlike other mammals or rodents their digestion is very well defended.
3) Anatomy
Although one cannot tell about the exact age of the horse by looking at its teeth. Still one can get an idea about its age by counting them but for that purpose proper hygiene and dental care should be ensured by its owner as their teeth don’t survive all their life.
4) Life Span
One of the most commonly asked questions about the horses is about their life span. They can live for up to thirty years on average.
5) Most Popular Breed
Inspired from the native American heritage and culture, the graceful brown quarter horse is one of the most famous horse all over the world.
6) The Arabian Horse
Going through different phases of evolution and environmental changes which led to the better adaptation of the anatomical characteristics of different animals, Arabian horses, interestingly have one less vertebrae, rib and tailbone in comparison to the other breeds. It is the foundation of many other light horse breeds.
7) Tricky Color
most white color horses which we see in daily life are actually grey in color. thanks to the tricky genetic makeup they have!
8) Social Nature
horses like to travel in small herds or groups. As per their nature it gets very stressful for a horse to live alone. so they prefer companions around them.
9) Historic Importance
Paleontological evidence unfolds that humankind’s relationship with horses began around 3,500 BC or even earlier.
10) Measurement
Except for a single kind which is measured in centimeters, (miniature horse) all other horses are measured in hands. Also, the standard unit of measurement of the height of this animal is one hand.
11) Respiratory Rate
The average TPR which is the resting pulse and respiration rate is important to know. it can be as low as four breaths per minute which in turn increases with mobility and distress.
12) The Ancient Horse
Unbelievably, the original horse was about the size of the golden retriever! About 50 million years ago, that horse used to live on the planet and its size was roughly equivalent to the size of a small goat or a baby deer.