The art of delegation is something that not everyone can grasp. Being able to hand over tasks to the correct individuals does lead to greater efficiency. But what happens if you are unsure as to what to do?
To help, I’m going to provide you with several important points that should make life easier. If you follow them, then you will discover that you can do more in a day, be less stressed and feel as if a weight is lifted from your shoulders.
So, let’s begin to unpick the mystery of delegation.
1. What To Delegate
First, what should you delegate to others? A good starting point are those tasks that you hate. At times, you feel as if they aren’t your strong point or they take up too much time that you should spend elsewhere. Of course, you also throw in those tasks where you don’t know what you are doing.
People refer to this as the delegation triangle. It’s a way of structuring your thoughts and tasks to then become aware of what needs to be done. You should do this on a daily basis and remain honest regarding your own abilities and what you are capable of doing.
You can delegate anything if you want to and no matter the size of the task.
2. Understand Why You Are Delegating
You should never delegate because of being too lazy to carry out a task yourself. Instead, it should help you spend more time on other tasks where your time is better spent. This applies even if you enjoy the challenge of something because if the return you get is low, then was it worth you spending your time doing it?
On occasion, you may have smaller tasks that take too much time away from your main goal. By having someone else do them, you free up your time to spend elsewhere.
Being aware of the reasons for delegation helps you to know the tasks to focus on, such as marketing if you’re doing Toronto SEO. Also, realize that outsourcing a task has to be assessed on its own to determine if the return you get is actually worth it. Alternatively, you may find it’s better arranging your own time to complete it on your own.
Delegating will make your life easier. However, don’t abuse the power of it as that in itself will lead to you developing some pretty bad habits.
3. Study Your Tasks
You must understand the tasks that you have followed by putting them in order of importance. Which tasks have the shortest deadline? Which tasks take the longest time to complete?
This is all about being realistic with what you can and cannot do. It is only by studying the tasks that you then know which ones to delegate out.
Often, we feel overwhelmed when we see the list of things we need to do. If you then notice the list getting shorter while also knowing the tasks are completed by others, then you begin to understand how it’s possible to do more things in the same time-frame.
I would recommend writing down everything you need to do in a day. Score off those tasks that only you can do and see what’s left. Place them in order of importance and begin to categorize them into groups as mentioned earlier. After this, divide up the tasks and assign them to those individuals that can deal with them. It really is that simple.
4. Don’t Fear Delegating Tasks
Finally, don’t fear delegating tasks. Instead, spend time knowing who is capable of doing what task as this makes the job run more smoothly. The last thing you want is to sit and wonder who can help as that in itself is wasting time.
You must also get over the idea that others are incapable of doing something to the same standard as you. At first, you may feel like checking up on them constantly, but that’s not wise. Instead, as long as you have done your research first when it comes to knowing who can help, then there’s nothing to worry about.
I can assure you that as you become more accustomed to delegating tasks that your confidence in the process will grow, and the number of people you use will also increase.
Delegating tasks is not as difficult as you may have thought as it’s all about being sensible with your approach. Understand that you are one person and cannot do everything. Accept those areas where you are not as skilled or where it takes up too much of your time. Realize that getting to grips with sending out tasks to those individuals better suited makes your life so much easier and less stressful.
Now, who wouldn’t want that to happen to them?