Raccoons are not animals that are very personal. They’re at night and during the day they’re sleeping. They tend to sleep more during the winter, but in the traditional sense they don’t hibernate. You can learn general facts about raccoons from different articles but in this article you will know ways of getting rid of raccoons.
Before we get into the ways of getting rid of raccoons, let’s first know the different habits of raccoons so that it can be easier for you to inspect and choose the best possible way of getting rid of raccoons.
Habits of Raccoons
Raccoons are present in Europe and Japan, North and Central America. They are very adaptable, so they survive in a wide variety of environments and habitats. They typically make houses, called dens, in trees or caves, but also in barns, abandoned vehicles and other man-made areas.
Although raccoons are more than happy to make human areas their homes, if confronted by humans, they can be aggressive. According to The Human Society, humans should be particularly careful to handle raccoons as they are common carriers of rabies, roundworms and leptospirosis. It is not recommended by most experts to have a raccoon as a pet and if you are suffering from this problem, read this article and learn the ways of getting rid of raccoons.

Before moving towards the ways of getting rid of raccoons, we first discuss that why it is necessary to getting rid of raccoons.
Here’s what we covered earlier in previous articles:
Why is it important getting rid of raccoons?
Raccoons start leaving their den when they are able to prey and can live on its own. Raccoons are moving to humans living area and start hurting them and damaging their areas. They can be the cause of major disease in humans.
Raccoons causes diseases to humans
These diseases include:
– RABIES: It is the virus from mammals which affect the humans and badly damages their nervous system.
– LEPTOSPIROSIS: Leptospirosis is a human and animal-affected bacterial disease. It is caused by Leptospira bacteria. Leptospirosis can result in kidney damage, meningitis (membrane inflammation around the brain and spinal cord), liver failure, respiratory distress, and even death.
– Roundworms, especially the small intestine, may infest the human digestive tract. Also ascariasis is sometimes known as roundworm infection.
Immediate and proper treatment is required after raccoons attack because it is very poisonous and can causes different types of diseases. It is necessary to think about getting rid of raccoons to prevent yourself from all these diseases.
Damaging your home and garden
Raccoons eat plants and food like omnivores. Cherries, apples, acorns, persimmons, berries, peaches, citrus fruits, plums, wild grapes, figs, watermelons, beech nuts, corn and walnuts are the vegetation in their diet. So they sometimes make their den in your garden.
Raccoons destroy the gardens, chewed fruits, vegetables, plants and flowers. This will irritate the gardeners because they would not be able to work properly in this gulp down garden. To protect your gardens put pet food some seeds inside your home if raccoons became your uninvited guests.
They destroy your belonging as they own sharp teeth. They gnaw on almost everything to make their teeth sharp. So if you see holes on your sofas or bitten wires, they are the little creepy reasons behind the damage. They can bring quite a greater amount of damage if not controlled and this is why you need to know the ways of getting rid of raccoons.
They are the root cause of some life-threatening diseases and infections as discussed above. Their feces, urine and even saliva fulfill the purpose of transmitting diseases other than their own bite. However, some people like them and are most attracted to their owners but the wild ones would attack and bite you in their defense if bothered.
Most surprising thing is that raccoons live in dirt-free area even they make their den where there is no dirt. That is why they prefer to make their shelter near lawns, gardens, parks and wooden area. If these areas are near to your house, then definitely you will find any make den near to your living area and in your backyard. Raccoons need it for shelter and to store their food. If trees and bushes are close to your house, then you are simply providing them easy entrance to make a den. After this you will start rushing to find ways of getting rid of raccoons.
When you know what kind of harm raccoons can do, you don’t want them to stick around, it’s no surprise. It is not limited from time to time to a tipped over trash can. In pursuit of a nesting spot, female raccoons can pull off shingles, fascia boards or ventilators on the roof to get into your attic.
They’ll tear up insulation once they’re inside, go to the bathroom and take a host of worms with them. Then again, all together they could escape the attic and bring themselves into your chimney, crawl room, or under your deck or porch at home. And they’re going to want a treat that can be easily accessed from a nearby yard, decorative fish pond, pet food bowl or trash can.
Now that you know how dangerous the rats and mice can be, you probably are now curious to know the ways of getting rid of raccoons. Well, the wait is over and you are ready to know the ways of getting rid of raccoons.
Ways of getting rid of raccoons
There are many methods of controlling raccoons, including taking preventive, trapping, and releasing measures, and using raccoon’s repellents from home. Because raccoons are animals, many of the same techniques are comparable to those used in rats, mice, and birds to regulate raccoons. But avoidance and exclusion are the most humane and often the most efficient techniques.
Near possible den sites, the abundance of food sources causes female raccoons to nest. The availability of food sources is one reason why raccoon populations in urban and suburban areas can grow rapidly and become very large. The first step to discourage raccoons is to reduce food sources.
If you live in a densely populated area with a documented raccoon issue, getting rid of the problem may be beyond the reach of the individual homeowner. In these instances, to solve the problem, a collective effort is needed. This is why it is so important to detect early.
Repellents alone are not efficient for removing raccoons, but they can be a further step towards making your yard less attractive to the small criteria. This will help you in getting rid of raccoons. When used along the perimeter of your estate and close to your vegetation, because of the smell, raccoons will remain away. But after a while, these repellents will wash away, so eventually the animals will come back. Eventually, raccoons can also get used to them, so you should switch it to distinct repellent kinds to maintain the criteria on your toes.
Most repellents purchased from the store come in the form of liquid spray or granules. Usually they contain either natural substance with their smell that repels raccoons. These include some essential oils or traces of urine from predators. The latter is much more efficient as raccoons understand how to remain away from certain creatures, such as coyotes and foxes that feed on them.
Trapping can be an optimal way to remove them rapidly if you’re only dealing with a few raccoons on your estate. With a big infestation, this technique will be much harder, and it will not ensure that other raccoons remain away from your yard but this technique will surely help you in getting rid of raccoons. You will need to combine trapping with other techniques such as repellents and fencing to eradicate raccoons.
Usually a live trap includes a one-way or spring-loaded door. There are advantages and disadvantages for each of these traps. A live trap is regarded more human and ethical, but before it dies or hurts itself, you will have to remove the raccoons. It can be risky to release raccoons from live traps if you don’t understand what you’re doing because they’re dangerous when they’re scared and can also transmit illnesses when they bite.
Snap traps are not regarded human, and a rapid clean-up process is also required. Otherwise, a host of other pests may be attracted by the dead raccoons in your yard. You are also susceptible to infection by cleaning up after and around the raccoon’s carcass.
Basic Tips for Trapping
– Choose a small trap with a small wire mesh (about 10 to 20 inches long) so the raccoons can’t escape.
– Place the trap in renowned raccoons regions, including traffic lanes and near den (if you can locate them). Undercover locations are better than fields that are exposed.
– Bait the trap so raccoons won’t be able to get it out of the trap. It often operates well to apply peanut butter straight to the trigger plate of the trap.
– Frequently check the trap and move the animal as quickly as it is caught. Release at least five miles from your home or as indicated by local law in an appropriate habitat.
The above two ways are the major ways of getting rid of raccoons. Some other prevention and treatments are:
Protect the trash bin
A good way to attract raccoons is to leave garbage out that is easily accessible. Whether collecting your garbage and leaving it outside, make sure that it can be in a heavy trash with a sturdy lid. You may also consider placing cans in a rack or securing them to a stable post and using a bungee cord or wire to hold the lids in place.
Pet Food
Until nightfall, pet food that is put outside should be carried in to stop raccoons from discovering and eating out of the bowl of your dog.
Construct a Fence
First of all, excluding raccoons from your yard is the best way of getting rid of raccoons. You can generate a perimeter around individual crops, your garden, or your whole estate by using hardware cloth or wire mesh.
An easy privacy fence around your yard is unlikely to maintain out raccoons as they are generally not very deeply dug into the floor and often have cracks and spaces that can pass through raccoons. Your fence should be at least eight inches deep to prevent them from make a den underneath.
Keep your Backyard Clean
The first step to discourage raccoons from making den in your yard is to eliminate as many possibilities as possible for feeding and nesting. This is a significant step you can take towards preventive approaches, but if you are already dealing with a raccoon issue, it should also be your first step towards remediation.
As raccoons feed on fruits and vegetables, pick up as they mature your fruit trees and bushes.
Quickly rake any fruits or vegetables that fall to the floor before they can be sought out by raccoons.
Use bird feeders that are not simple to spill and are not as simple to get into for raccoons.
Raccoons enjoy making den in regions covered by predators such as near shrubs, trees, brush piles, tall grasses, or piles of leaves and logs. Monitor your yard frequently and maintain it as tidy, open and tidy as possible to decrease raccoon’s coverage.
Finding a den implies you have discovered a tunnel system that can stretch more than 30 feet. A large subterranean network can be supported by your garden, lawn, or estate. Keep two habits in mind when repeated tourists are raccoons.
Never touch an animal that has been wounded or ill. A raccoon that is injured or scared can bite and spread a disease through its saliva.
If portion of your property is used for gardening, you might need to look for exclusion measures to safeguard your crops, flowers, and vegetables while maintaining raccoon in the bay.
Moreover, never feed in the wild rodents.
You shouldn’t try to feed raccoons, and your neighbors should be prevented from feeding raccoons because this will attract them and cause bigger problems.
Do not camp or rest close to den of animals.
Call A Professional to Get Rid of Raccoons
If none of these methods works for you then you need to call the professional raccoons control to take care of it and help eliminate them from your location so you are not getting exhausted from trying many ways of getting rid of raccoons.
So, these are the ways of getting rid of raccoons. Hopefully, you found this article helpful so do share your feedback. Also, do not forget to share this piece of the information who might be struggling with getting rid of raccoons.