Are you a student struggling to balance studies with work, or are you simply someone struggling to make ends meet in this terrible economy? Getting a part time job can be one of the easiest solutions for you! A part time job is best suited for students, house wives, stay-at-home dads, old folk that no longer have the stamina to hold a full-time position or even those people that have retired. We bring to you a list of highest paying part time jobs in USA.
Part time jobs are very flexible when it comes to timings.In most of them, you are required to work in shifts, which means they do not affect your study schedules or household chores, making them ideal for students.
Nowadays, a part time job is mostly needed because of the worldwide economic crisis. Some people even prefer to do part time jobs as a full-time career.
Let us see jobs which have a high pay rate and less working hours for part time workers, according to a certain statistical survey in America. These jobs have quite a high pay rate and minimum working hours.
Some of the highest paying part time jobs in USA are listed below:
Accountant: Average Hourly income $30.55
In order to this part time, you must have lot of experience as a accountant. However if you do, you can even start a business at your very home. Whenever you have spare time, you can do book keeping and accountancy at your home, however you will need to build a client base before you can hope to be successful!
Taxi Driver: Average hourly income $11.50
Second in the list of highest paying part time jobs in USA is to work as a taxi driver. If you’re someone that loves to drive around and meet new people, this is the perfect fit for you. Being a cab driver is one of the simplest part time jobs you can decide to do. You are free to choose how many hours you work, how many passengers you pick and drop and most importantly, which hours you want to work! Although it pays less then that of working as an accountant, driving around in a taxi has its own merits.
Real State Agent: Average hourly income $20.85
A real estate agent is consultant whom you call when you need to buy and sell or rent a house, flat,cottage, or shops. Therefore before you can be one, you are required to hold a license, must be well trained and well informed of all the rates of houses, flats and shops. In short, you must have a good idea of the property market in order to earn commissions.
Tutor: Average hourly income $30. Or more.
They say ‘teaching’ is the noble profession. What they fail to mention is that it is also a very lucrative profession. A few hours of tutoring can earn up to a fairly hefty amount. Mostly, students do this job and get money for their college expenses. Tutoring is very popular nowadays, but requires a lot of teaching skills, knowledge of the syllabus and the exam, and proper scheduling.