Let’s go through the Vitamin F sources, but first let us analyze what is Vitamin F? Vitamin F is a mixture of fatty acids, the majority of which is linoleic acid or omega-6.1. Omega-6 is a significant source of energy and plays a role in many tasks of brain function and immune response, skin, and hair health. Our body is unable to produce linoleic acid naturally, which means that we need to get it from our diet. This makes it a necessary fatty acid, such as omega-6.
Vitamin F Food Sources
Fish – Excellent Vitamin F Sources
Some types of fishes are rich in alpha-linolenic acid or vitamin F. Fatty and oily fish is an excellent source of DHA and EPA, two primary forms of omega-3 fatty acids. The following types of fish are the best sources of vitamin F.
Salmon is one of the most common and nutritious species of fish available. There are a variety of differences between wild and farmed salmon, including some variations in omega-3 content.
Oysters are the popular shellfish that restaurants prefer to serve as a snack. Unlike several other types of fish, oysters contain three main groups of omega-3s.
People around the world eat shrimp as an appetizer and shrimp is also a part of a lot of foods. One serving of shrimp contains 0.12 g DHA 0.12 g EPA. Shrimp is also high in protein and potassium.
Trout is one of the most common and nutritious types of fish. One serving of trout contains 0.44 g DHA 0.40 g EPA. In addition to omega-3s, trout is a good source of protein, potassium, and vitamin D.
Vegetarian Foods
Seaweed, spirulina, and chlorella are various types of algae that many people consume for their wellbeing. Seaweed and algae are valuable sources of omega-3 for people on vegetarian or vegan diets since they are one of the few plant classes to produce DHA and EPA.
Flaxseed contains 6.703 g of ALA per tbsp. Flaxseeds are the most nutritious seeds people can consume. They are rich in many nutrients, including magnesium, manganese, fiber, and protein. These seeds can reduce blood pressure and improve heart health.
The walnuts produce 3,346 g ALA per cup. These nuts are a great source of good fats, including ALA omega-3 fatty acids. People may enjoy walnut on their own, either in granola or in a trail mix, a snack bar, yogurt, salad, or a cooked meal.
Soybean Oil
Soybean oil contains 0.923 g of ALA per pill. Soybeans are common Asian legumes. A lot of people use soya bean oil for cooking. The oil is also a reliable source of riboflavin, magnesium, potassium, folate, and vitamin.
Kidney Beans
Kidney beans produce 0.10 g of ALA per half-cup. Kidney beans are one of the most popular beans to be eaten or eaten as side dishes. People may add it to curries or stews or even eat it with rice.
Conclusion – Vitamin F Sources
Linoleic acid is a central building block of membranes around the body, which helps to transfer water in and out of the cells. Within the skin, it transforms into ceramide, which is a defensive compound that allows cells to maintain moisture. There is also some evidence that omega-6 fatty acids may help alleviate inflammation associated with autoimmune disorders such as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. If you know about more Vitamin F sources, share in the comments section to help others.